Friday 24 May 2013

Gulab Jamun Recipe

Irrespective of any season or Indian functions, Gulab Jamoon has an important place on the plate. Loved by one and all, nowadays there are lots of companies in the market who prepare instant jamun mixes. When guests arrive in short notice , this can be prepared in no time. But the taste of instant jamun mixes are different when  compared to the ones we prepare at home. In my opinion, the jamuns prepared at home has a very good and better taste. But at the same time , do not forget to note that it has lots of calories. 1 jamun is approximately around whopping 300 calories. So if you are a diabetic patient or someone who is worried about all the calories stuff, think before you consume. Buts , its too tasty to ignore !!

Gulab Jamun Recipe

How To Make Gulab Jamuns At Home

This sweet will take approximately around 45 minutes of your time to prepare.

Gulab Jamun Ingredients

  • All purpose flour ( Maida) - 1 cup
  • Milk Powder - 1 cup
  • Baking Powder - 1/4 tsp
  • Oil or Ghee - For Deep Frying.
  • Salt - A pinch
  • Cardamoms - 4-5
  • Sugar - 1 1/2 cup
  • Water - 1 cup + 1 cup for kneading the dough

Also Read :

Method To Prepare Gulab Jamun

  • First and foremost , lets prepare the sugar syrup. 
  • Mix sugar and water ( 1 cup) and let it boil till you get sticky consistency
  • Add cardamom and let it cool
  • Now, in another bowl , add milk powder, maida ( all purpose flour) , a pinch of salt and baking powder
  • Add water and knead the dough 
  • Now, grease your hands with ghee so that the dough does not stick to your hands.
  • Roll out small balls of this dough.
  • Deep fry the balls in the oil till it turns golden brown.
  • Remove it and place it on the tissue paper to wear off the oil.
  • Leave it aside for around 20- 30 minutes, so that it gets cooled
  • Transfer the cooled jamun balls into the sugar syrup.

Your Gulab Jamun is now ready to be served .!!!!

Gulab Jamun

Kitchen Masti Notes

  1. While frying the jamun balls, see to it that the oil does not get too heated. It shouild be in the low temperature itself, otherwise the jamun balls will get burnt from outside , but will remain uncooked inside.
  2. For a variation, you can a tsp of rose water to the sugar syrup also. This will give you a different taste
  3. While rolling out the balls from the jamun dough, you can keep a pistachos in between the balls if you wish.
  4. After frying the jamun balls, it should get soaked in the sugar syrup for at least 30 - 40 minutes so that it would turn fully soft
  5. You can alter the ingredients slightly by adding 50 % mawa ( kova ) and the other 50 % milk power. This is yet, another variation of the Gulab Jamun sweet recipe
  6. Another variation of Gulab Jamun is Kala Jamun which I will publish the recipe later on in the coming days.
  7. Some people also use Ricotta Cheese as an ingredient while preparing Gulab Jamun

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