For most of the people the day begins with the sip of the coffee.Many people have been addicted to coffee drink. I have seen many Hoteliers sipping one or two sips of coffee , every now and then. The aroma of filter coffee is simply irresistible. It is the one of the healthiest beverage in the world. Once if you get addicted to this filter coffee, then you just cannot stay out of it.
Caffeine which is present in the coffee, helps to keep our brain active
If it is consumed in excess, it will lead to addiction and also increases the risk of constipation. So it is always better to consume the coffee in moderate quantities.
In olden days coffee used to be prepared very laboriously. Coffee used to be filtered with the help of the cloth. But now times have changed. Coffee is available in two types of varieties. One is filter type and another is instant coffee powder.Both the varieties have different tastes Now let me explain you the filter type coffee.
Coffee filter is available in the stainless steel ones which, obviously is a good old one but now the markets have been flooded with many electric drip cafe. Both yield same quality but the electric one is quicker. When the guests come all of a sudden you can use the electric version and prepare coffee without any tension
The above first image is of the stainless steel coffee filter. There are two sections in it. The coffee powder should be added in the top section along with boiling water. The second image shows you how the filter would look after adding the powder and water.
This is a typical Electric Coffee Filter. It is Preethi Drip Cafe 209.
How to Prepare Filter Coffee
It hardly takes around 10 minutes to prepare the decoction
Ingredients For Filter Coffee
- Filter coffee powder - 4 tsp
- Water -1 1/2 cup
- Milk - 1cup
- Sugar -1 tsp
Method To Make Filter Coffee
- First and foremost, Boil only half a cup of water in a vessel
- When the water starts boiling , transfer it to the filter
- Let this coffee powder gets mixed with the water
- After 5 minutes once again boil one cup of water and pour this water to the filter.
- Let it stay like that for few seconds
- The coffee decoction will get collected in the lower portion of the filter.
- Now in another bowl boil milk.
- Add decoction according to your taste. If you wish to have stronger coffee add more of the decoction
- Add sugar to it and let it get heated
- Now transfer into the serving coffee mug.
Your filter coffee hotel style is ready to be served.
Kitchen Masti Points
- Add half tsp of sugar along with the coffee powder.
- Actually, the quality of the coffee powder plays a very vital role in preparing the decoction.
- For unique taste , I have used bayars coffee powder for the best results.
- The coffee filter that I have used is from Preethi Company