Thambuli is an traditional dish from Karnataka , precisely in Malenadu areas and South Kanara regions. It hold a prime position in each and every household irrespective of rich or poor status. It also holds a primary position during functions which has become a very famous dish now, like weddings, thread ceremonious and all other functions. Varieties of Thambulis can be prepared. Mainly, this dish holds the medicinal property . As yogurt is being used in these type of dishes, it makes your body cool, relieves the human body of constipation.
Sometimes when we run out of vegetables, it is really a headache to prepare any dish. Or when you are in very much hurry or if you feel very lazy or lethargic to prepare anything, this thambuli recipe can be prepared within no time
This dish is ideal to be consumed along with the rice. And sometimes, you can also have it plainly like a soup
Mangalorean Cuisine,
Sometimes when we run out of vegetables, it is really a headache to prepare any dish. Or when you are in very much hurry or if you feel very lazy or lethargic to prepare anything, this thambuli recipe can be prepared within no time
This dish is ideal to be consumed along with the rice. And sometimes, you can also have it plainly like a soup
How To Prepare Coriander Seeds Thambuli
This is one of the easiest recipes to prepare. It hardly takes up much of your time., usually somewhere around 5 - 10 minutes.
Coriander Seeds Thambuli Ingredients
- Coriander Seeds - 2 tsp
- Jeera seeds - 1 tsp
- Pepper Corns ( Kali Mirchi) - 1 tsp
- Salt
- Yogurt - 1 cup
- Asafoetida - small pinch
- Seasonings - Ghee, Broken red chilli - 1 , urad dal - 1 tsp , mustard seeds - 1/2 tsp and curry leaves
- Ghee - 1 tsp
- Coconut Scrapings-2 tsp
- Green Chilli - 1
Method To Prepare Coriander Seeds Thambuli
- Take a pan and add 1 tsp of ghee.
- Mix coriander seeds, jeera seeds and pepper corns ( kali mirchi )
- Fry it slightly for around 2 minutes
- Add Asafoetida and switch off the gas stove.
- Take a mixer and add coconut scrapings, the fried items, salt, yogurt and green chilli.
- Run the mixer grinder for a few seconds till it is smoothly blended.
- Remove it and transfer it to a bowl.
- If you feel the thambuli is too thick then , you can add water to get a watery consistency.
- Heat the small pan., add 1 spoon of ghee, broken red chilli, urad dal, mustard seeds and curry leaves
- Transfer it to the bowl.
Your Thambuli is now ready !!!!!!
Kitchen Masti Points
Coriander seeds have a very cooling effect on the human body. It hold a prime position in Indian curries.
Asafoetida relieves the bloated feeling in the stomach. This is the reason these items are added and of course, as everybody knows jeera is primarily responsible in increasing the appetite .
If you have acidity , you can decrease the yogurt amount and add a little bit of milk.
However, for variation purposes you can also add red chillies instead of green chillies so that you can get a red color thambuli which would look attractive than the normal one.
Those who have acidity can use red chillies instead of green chillies.